I've been on the
road to Rio for just on a month now and I've had an incredible trip already.
I've seen one of the Seven Wonders of the World, I've met some of the
friendliest people in the world, and I've also found the spiritual homeland of my feet.
Sometimes though,
you need to take a break from being a traveller, and get some stuff
done. Last week in New Delhi was just such an occasion.
Anyone outside of
Australia is probably blissfully unaware that we have a federal
election coming up this Saturday, while I'm sure those back home are
drowning in it. While in New Delhi I discovered that early postal
voting was available to expats and travellers in India at the
Australian High Commission. Having missed every national (and state)
election since I started travelling in 2005, I decided it was finally
time to start having my say again, so I took a few hours out to head
down to the High Commission and place my vote.
The thing was, on
the walk down I was still unsure as to who I was going to vote for.
The two major parties have some pretty deep flaws, while the myriad
of small special interest parties didn't excite me in the least.
Indira Gandhi with former Australian PM Gough Whitlam
On the way to the
High Commission I came across the memorial and museum dedicated to
Indira Gandhi, one of India's most influential political figures of
the 20th century. She was Prime Minsiter on several
occasions and helped shape India to being the country it is now. She
was also somewhat divisive on many issues and was ultimately
assassinated before finishing her final term in office in 1984. Her
son, Rajiv, followed her as Prime Minister, and unfortunately,
suffered the same fate as his mother in 1991.
Listening to some
of the rhetoric and campaigning going on back home, you'd think that
Australian politics was as heavily divided as it can be in here in
India. Depending on who you listen to if 'wrong'
party gets up on September 7th, the country is
doomed. I don’t buy that.
Australian High Commission in Delhi
The major parties
in Australia, like the overwhelming majority of the population are
very close to the centre of the political chart. Both parties will
act the same way on the majority of issues and neither side will see
the country turn into a basket case. Yes, both parties have their
faults – not least of which the leader of each – but show me a
political party that doesn't.
One thing that is
sure to spice up the election is one Mr Julian Assange and his new
“Wikileaks” party appearing on the Senate ballot. If he manages
to get himself elected it will surely make Australian politics a
little more interesting at least.
Indian Parliament
So I turned up to
the High Commission and place my vote. I even voted below the line in
the Senate, filling out all 97 preferences to make sure the likes of
Family First, the Christian Party and One Nation get nothing from my
So to my
Australian friends: Go vote Saturday. Vote whatever way you feel but
just keep in mind, whomever our government is when we all wake up on
Sunday, Australia will continue to be a great place to live. I'm not saying our vote is not important, just that we're lucky enough to live in a country where people aren't killing each other over disagreements in policy.
We are very lucky in Australia and not even
Krudd or the Budgie Smuggler can change that.
I promise I'll get back to some more travel related content next week! This isn't a political blog, I just thought I'd share my thoughts.
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